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Retro Game Dev Sketch

Project Hail Mary Book Review

first,  let me just say that this book is one of my all-time favorite books. I would even dare to say that it may even beat out Andy Weir's other most famous book  "The Martian" . So what is the basic plot you ask? Well we all know how these things happen, the earth is inexplicably in trouble and all human life will end in a few years due to a cataclysmic event, and of course, a simple, quirky, funny, and yet nerdy-as-heck Middle School Science Teacher somehow gets roped into being recruited to save the human race. There is a great deal of whimsical and sometimes dad-joke humor that we saw in the Martian, but somehow this time it is even more impressive that you instantly feel this character is a real person with all the wonderful and all the flaws that a middle-aged man would have in this modern age.  It does borrow heavily from many other science/space apocalyptic books, but this doe not detract from the power of this book to keep one engaged. My own wife while on a roa

Dune 2021 movie review

W ell here we are again back into deep space, where the the folks fight for a throne and politics are the dish of the day. So I am going to go into this review as my son would have experienced it and not as a super overexcided middle aged man seeing the wonderful SciFi stories of his youth retold. Well here we are and it is "Game of Thrones in Space", where Jon Snow is a super skinny and spoiled kid who seems to be having mushroom hallucinative type dreams and really needs to eat more and get a little time with some free weights. I am not sure he is trying to be the next ruler of his planet or trying out for the next K-pop band. Ok, more seriously, what is up with all the 18th century victorian decor? How did we in the year 10,000 get back to corset, elaborate nun's, and nutcraker soldier uniforms. Also seriously an Emperor? what happened to Democracy, I assume it also died out. But regardless the asthetics are quite pleasing and watching this on a 50+ foot screen

Is Roblox the new Twitter?

    Long a go there these crazy tech heads who pushed the idea of everyone should have a voice , without publishers, TV executives, news editors , radio producers. Where a little hard work and a little tech knowledge would give anyone a voice. This was the Internet revolution in the mid 1990’s , where anyone would type up some HTML and make a website. Then later came the search engine and then the epitome of this distribution which was blogs with easy to use wysiwyg editors and easy platforms like blogger and Wordpress. To me this is akin to the game self publishing revolution. Originally game engines were these massively expensive and specialized pieces of software like Gamebryo and 3DS Max and Photoshop, that required even more cost prohibitive hardware PCs , and here again were these giant publishers and license holders. But then just like the Internet to blog revolution where the tooling became easy and to some degree free, same thing happened in the game industry with tools such a

Enola Holmes Movie Review

The movie's plot was actuallyinteresting  however the details and the unfolding of the story left much to be desired. The soul of the movie feels night. I like the female empowerment model for Young women, but it does not do so very subtly. At times you feel like it is beating you over the head with it. Millie Brown’s acting and 4th wall break was cute and endearing, but I can see others feeling anoyed after some repetition of this. The other acting was not my favorite. The filler content Felt excessive. However, The family feeling journey was worth the work. I had wished the movie was a 90 min endeavor. I give the movie a 6.5/10 overall.

Netflix Shadow and Bone review

The new Netflix show “Shadow and Bone” which is based on the books series of the same name, appealed to me in a few ways. This of you who may now me, I cherish things that are of older ages especially things that are medieval, viking, 17th century Europe, cowboy times, steam age, and of course anything steam punk. I love parchment papers, quills, old books, leather bound books, bags , and clothing. Brass items such as looking glass, compass, etc. and my fascination with trees, wood and paper. So a fantasy story about magic , with mythical creatures , taking place in 1800’s Prague , sounded right up my alley.  Let me just say that if you did not like Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia and Hunger Games , this may not be be right show for you. I have to admit this is a little more teen love story that magicall mayhem but I will forgive that. What is a bit unforgiven is the slow pace, and this is a guy who will always give multiple episodes a try. It has that Netflix let’s stare into th

Ship at port

Ship at peace 

Skill Dreams with Nettle

A nightmare is just that, a silly made up thing. Robin Hobb, Fool’s Fate, Fitz Chivaly and Nettle

The Sea Shell by the Sea Side

My seaside shell dream 

Weekend too short but great moments

Another weekend come and gone! Cant believe it went so fast , was it even really here?. I feel like that has been said a quadrillion times in the English language. However, even with all that feeling of rush also comes with a realization that it did bring forth many wonderful things. A nice couch sit down with the family to watch “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” with kids that would soon leave the nest. I got so accompany my beautiful wife on ther real estate adventures and see some truly clean and well decorated houses., love that HGTV feel!  I got to sit on a hammock and read the intrepid and varied history of Nintendo and their rise to power. I really enjoyed that while every competitor was going for compute speed and fancy chips, Nintendo (much like Apple) decided to go for the human element, what hardware can give better visuals or engaging sound at the crazy low budget we have. Can we design the hardware around the human experience rather than Hz and Bits? And boy o boy did it pay

Happy Easter

Hi everyone, I am having a nice 3 day weekend and I hope you are too. I wish you all the greatest Easter happy and healthy activities!