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Project Hail Mary Book Review

first, let me just say that this book is one of my all-time favorite books. I would even dare to say that it may even beat out Andy Weir's other most famous book "The Martian". So what is the basic plot you ask? Well we all know how these things happen, the earth is inexplicably in trouble and all human life will end in a few years due to a cataclysmic event, and of course, a simple, quirky, funny, and yet nerdy-as-heck Middle School Science Teacher somehow gets roped into being recruited to save the human race. There is a great deal of whimsical and sometimes dad-joke humor that we saw in the Martian, but somehow this time it is even more impressive that you instantly feel this character is a real person with all the wonderful and all the flaws that a middle-aged man would have in this modern age.  It does borrow heavily from many other science/space apocalyptic books, but this doe not detract from the power of this book to keep one engaged. My own wife while on a road trip actually kept up with 80% of the store and grew to like the characters, even though she did not care too much over the geeking out about science and engineering. It does the thing where you bounce back and forth in 2-time frames, but some may not like the lack of transition moment to moment, but only takes a little bit to get used to it. You will feel many things about the characters, you will connect and empathize with the main character, but most of all you will have a good old time just imagining the adventures of this quirky and sarcastic science teacher.  9/10 for sure in my book (Pun intended) 


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