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2020 Mulan Review
The family and I watched the Movie "Mulan" yesterday evening. So a lot of controversy over this film, for which I have fond memories. The first controversy is the fact that it has no musical score at all, and as we all know the music is what really sets the mood and gives you those wonderful tunes in your head. The second controversy of course is the steep cost of $30 on top of a $10 Disney Plus Subscri­ption, and then you only have 48 hrs in which to watch it. And thirdly there is controversy on how the main actress is sympathetic to the Chinese Gov in the opposition to the Hong Kong Democratic movement. Putting all those things aside, and putting away my deep nostalgia for the Whitty original, 
I am going to say the movie is a 6.5/10 from the purely Entertainment for family Point of view. It offers fantastic cinematography and visuals. It provides a great message to girls of their power to be smarter, stronger, and possess greater strength & courage than any man. Some of the acting such as Mulan's father was very well done. The rest of the acting seemed a bit emotionless and rather rehearsed. Bottom line: is it worth the $40 total spent. For a dad, soon to be an empty nester. with teenager boys who prefer the whirl of a gaming PC and a dark dingy bedroom, and avoid family time always, the answer is a resounding Yes! Now we went all out, and made butter & salted popcorn and we had sodas at the ready, with the sorround SOUND all blaring, at the end of the day, I spent a night with the family and my boys and reliving our theater kids days. But in the end, like the movie stated the 4th virtue of all Life is "DEVOTION TO FAMILY" and still cheaper than the $60 at the Alamo Drafthouse...


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