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The Simplification Factor

First and foremost, sorry to all my followers for the delay on my blogposts. But, as you know things are just not the same even when we pretend they are right? Life, family, and all.

Anyhow, I have been thinking about my recent need for simplification of life. As we wade through life and think of our goals, that hit iPhone game, the six pack body, the adoration of your children as you do so many things with them, the caress of your wife for all that you sacrifice, and of course the great achievement of your life that history will remember for eternity before your flowers are placed on your gravestone.
As we try to believe that we achieve these things every day, we make excuses. Yes, we all do it even though we call it "need". I need an iPhone to keep my life organized. I need a macbook pro to have the right writing tool. I need an iPad to have a more comfortable tool on the go for all those illusionary travels that may someday take. I need more time off from my pressuring job, my chores take too long, I need a better task list... and so on.
I then think of the visionary painter, inventor, and sorta crazy guy Leonardo DaVinci... He has ink , quills, and little paper bound notebooks. And, as I sit here feeling sorry for myself, as I do every day I don't feel right. I begin to think that as much as I am to blame, my own world is also to blame. I feel that I have to see that cool post from Engadget, that best deal from my bargain site, that super funny youtube video from my Facebook. We pretend that these are the responsibilities of our lives. I inundate my life with trivial tech things in every direction as need. At the end of the day, I feel like my day slipped through my fingers like dry sand that I am trying to shape. I then feel sorry for my own depression and believe I need a break from it all, but indeed I do not.
I remember a life where I would have a pencil, paper, a notebook, a leather satchel, and run into the farmlands with the tall dry grass and imagine places and worlds that filled my imagination and burst my heart with true happiness. I could truly create....
For example the other day my family and I played "Clue" for the first time, and it was surreal the laughter and joy we gained from a few cards and dice. I could feel the closeness and happiness. I now look at my wife on the laptop, my son on his laptop, and Allen on his Nintendo Wii, and I think how I long for that day of board games that brings our smiles together. Are the very tools that we created to make our lives enriched, taking away piece by piece the simple joys the we hold so dear? I say here and now, simplicity is the key, when you peel the layers of complexity around our lives, we find that we just want to use our imaginations and smiles once again....


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