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iPad light at the end of the tunnel?

I spent much of last week pondering the underwhelming unveiling of the iPad. I then began to think about the simplistic brilliance of Steve Jobs. I came up with a theory last week, that unfortunately has comerecently true and now I just look like a “me too” blogger. But, I assure you that this was my idea since Wednesday of last week.

Steve decided not to include Flash and Java support in his web-browsing pad. Flash and Java are the primary plug ins into modern web browsing, but unfortunately these plug-in’s, are also the primary reason why web browsers lock up and get virus infections. I have also been working with HTML5 this summer and saw that is had embedded support for platform independent streaming HD video. I also realized that in order for Steve to leave a lasting legacy, the user end experience had to be fast and smooth. So, I thought about his brilliance.

He did not want the fate of his legacy left in the hands of a proprietary technology (Flash) and with a company that is known for buggy code (Adobe). When the web is 60% dependent on Flash, it gives too much control to Adobe. So instead, why not adopt a new web standard HTML5 that is now supported by most modern web browsers and make the experience smooth and company independent while delivering the very same rich content.  YouTube and Vimeo will begin supporting HTML5 video this summer.

If you look at what happened with PC Tablets and why they failed, you see even more brilliance. For years PC makers tried to take the desktop experience and shoehorn the experience of “Windows” into an underpowered piece of hardware, which left the user with grinding hard drives, low memory, and a not-so-smooth user experience. The same thing happened with Windows Mobile phones, they attempted to replicate the “start” button interface into a phone. Apple finally made an operating system from the ground up for phones, and now they dominate.

I am not sure if I will purchase an iPad or not, but my negativity has been largely decreased after seeing the “vision” of this man. I know that he is a control freak and does not allow us to do what we want on these iDevices. Nevertheless, a stable, easy, and fast user experience is what got Soccer moms and Grandmothers to accept a smart phone in their bags. Steve Jobs has serious guts for trying to create a new platform by leaving the desktop model behind, but it is his only shot at getting the soccer moms and grandmothers to surf from their couch. Moreover, we techies can complain all day long, but in the end, we all bought an iPhone afterall!


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