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Apple releasing a tablet what the heck?

180px-Steve_Jobs_WWDC07[1] Like many of my other Tech analyst friends, I agree when they say…. What the heck is Apple thinking of releasing a proprietary tablet computer? I mean…. we got the Laptop, the Desktop, the Netbook, and the Smartphone… We got so many screens and chargers we are losing our minds. Do we really need another screen? What problems will this device answer?
Well let me take you back to the Fall of 2001. We already have a couple of MP3 players on the market, which are these ugly bricks with spinning hard disks that supposed to carry 1000 songs with you. In addition, my tech friends and I say “WTF?” Why would anyone ever want to carry 1000 songs in their pocket or car. I mean….we already have a Walkman CD player, we got a 5 Disc CD changer in the car, we got RealPlayer streaming our music. We are surrounded by music... So this iPod brick?? Why would anyone want this device? Steve on stage states that this “iPod” is the answer to our problem! That our problem is that we do not have enough entertainment with us everywhere we go. My friends and I thought that this was Apple failing moment. Apple is going down…. It is crazy to create an answer to a problem that does not exist. However, that man is got to be some kind of Alien master, because 10 years later…. People carry an iPod everywhere and the iPod has already created an entire industry and blew the doors out in the music industry.
We again laughed at Apple creating a phone glued together with an iPod for $600 3 years ago!! Yet we all want an iPhone now or carry one?
So now I think….We are all laughing and scoffing at this crazy Apple Tablet. Steve Jobs will again state that is the answer to our problem. Nevertheless, just maybe, we just do not know what the question is yet.


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